
  • How To: Let’s use the 48 megapixel function in the camera app!

    Welcome back to my blog! I know, I haven’t made an entry since months but now I really want to be more active on my website! Today, I want to explain how to use the 48 megapixel function in the camera app of an iPhone 14 Pro. I know, many guys of you don’t even…

    Click here, to read more!: How To: Let’s use the 48 megapixel function in the camera app!
  • Welcome to my new site!

    Hello! As you can see, my old website has unfortunately been deleted because I have neither extended the domain nor the web space, i.e. the website. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice this until quite late, so I’ve now registered a new domain and set up a new WordPress site. It took me quite a long time…

    Click here, to read more!: Welcome to my new site!